Removing food waste by creating delicious meals for the community


Stats & Facts

Our plan to reduce waste

Why is Food Waste a Problem?

Food waste presents a significant problem due to the volume of waste that is produced each year. In fact, in the UK alone, it’s estimated that we throw away around 9.5 million tonnes of food waste annually. The vast majority of food waste ends up in a landfill site – which are already overcrowded. While many people do not view this as an issue as food items degrade naturally over time, it contributes heavily to global warming and the erosion of the OZ layer.

This is because food waste releases a great deal of methane gas as it breaks down. According to a report by the EPA, methane is 25 times more harmful than carbon dioxide because it can trap heat within the atmosphere.

Furthermore, food wastage is problematic from both a moral and economic standpoint. To put it simply, we throw away millions of pounds worth of food each year – even though many people across the globe go without fresh produce and groceries.


How We Will Do This

Through our storage and kitchen facilities and partnerships with other local food suppliers, we are aiming to offer a great opportunity to feed members of our community who are food-insecure.

In addition, On A Silver Plate works to reduce hunger and food waste in the UK by recovering quality, unused food from the food industry and delivering it to nonprofit partners, such as food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters, schools and daycare programs, and more.

We are comprised of a distinguished number of trustees aiming to dedicate their experience, knowledge and time to make a change.


Some useful information

While there are many provisions in place to reduce food waste, the UK produces the highest amount of food waste in Europe.

Over ⅓ of all food produced globally goes to waste. What is more, the UK throws away around 9.5 million tonnes of food waste in a single year – even though 8.4 million people in the UK are in food poverty.

1. Supermarket Chains

UK’s largest supermarket chains throw away enough food for 190 million meals each year.

2. Households

6.6 million tonnes of food, which represents over 70% of total wastage is from households.

3. Restaurants, pubs and bars

Restaurants, alongside bars, and pubs, are clear contributors to food waste with 1.1 million tonnes of wastage.

4. Manufacturers

Manufacturers also contribute their fair share of wastage, which is estimated to be 1.5 million tonnes.


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